I'm still unsure which one to post on. But since this isn't political and this site has had the most hits lately this one gets it.
This is the best I could do to find something controversial for Brian. And if everyone gives me the same answer I will have failed at that.
As some may know I've been filling in as Postmaster in Rigby because my boss asked me too. So I have a few more employees than Driggs. Which makes it more interesting.
Today my employees had a motor vehicle accident. So I got to investigate it and hand out appropriate discipline if any.
My clerk who was on lunch got into her truck to leave the parking lot. She got in put her seat belt on did not have the radio or anything on. She looked behind her, didn't see anyone so she proceeded to back up. She has to do a 90degree back up inorder to leave. In the second vehicle my carrier was leaving to deliver her mail for the day. She has to pull through the parking lot to the exit which means she passes right by the parked vehicle. She proceeded to leave and did not see the truck backing up until it was to late to warn the truck or get out of the way. She was completely stopped when hit and was attempting to put it into reverse to get out of the way. She had also mentioned that she had just had her wipers on to clean her windows. Which may have contributed to her not seeing the backing vehicle in time. The backing vehicle had backed up completely and was just about to go forward when she hit the car. The post office has zero forgiveness for safety accidents. They believe all accidents can be avoided even if that means staying home for the day.
Your job is to assign responsibility and what level of corrective action you would take: none, official discussion, letter of warning, 7 day suspension, 14 day suspension, or removal.
I expect input from everyone including Steve, since I know you read this site and Brian because you drive for a living.
If you need more info to make your decision let me know.
Sorry I can't post pictures. But the Chevy Avalanche that backed onto the hood of an old cavelier was unhurt where the hood of the car was smashed.
thanks for reading todd
Inspirational Thought
12 years ago
If a cop where to give a ticket for this incident he would give it to the person who did the backing up. I know this because I was with someone when it happened to them. The cop gave the other guy a ticket. I would say that the other person needed to be aware of where they were though too. If the employee is a democrat show them the power of an unrestricted government and throw the book at them. 14 days suspension. If the person is a republican give them a letter of warning.
After eating a few hotdogs and pondering the situation I've come up with additional suggestions. You could require you employee's to back into their parking spot when they arrive at work. If that does not work how about them turning their flashers on and honking the horn before they backup? I have backed my truck up to some pretty tight spots at oil rigs etc and it is a miracle I have never hit anything. I will go eat another hot dog. Maybe I will think of something else.
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