Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fat Liver

Well it looks like medical issues is the theme of skinnertopia lately so I will ad some more. I got a whole ultrasound of my abdomen. They looked at my Kidneys, my arteries and everything. It involves a lot of holding your breathe which was about the only bad part. I had to wait two days to find out what they found out. I was nervous when I called the doctor because you never know what he might say. He said I have a fatty liver. My Gall Bladder is in good shape. I could have told them that without an ultrasound. All they have to do is look at my abdomen!!! Anyway he said my cholesterol is high too and I need to lose weight. I guess I will try to lose some weight like I did 10 years ago. I weigh a little bit more than I did when I lost the 50 pounds back then so I will try again. A vision of my fat liver will help me plus when you weigh so much your feet are starting to hurt I think its time to slim down. I am doing better with my shaking problem. It is mostly just that I am addicted to Lorazapam. I think if I lose weight it will help me with other problems. It's good to see that Rachel is o.k I bet maybe she has a bad esophogus like dad and me.


I haven't been feeling well lately and then I got a bad pain in my chest, so I called the doctor and he said to come in. He checked me out and wanted to be completely thorough, so he sent me for a CT angiogram. Well, I am allergic to contrast dye, so they ended up doing a nuclear medicine scan (V/Q scan). That was interesting, something I haven't had before and not painful, besides lying down (I haven't been able to lie down very well because it hurts) and getting a little poke. They were looking for a pulmonary embolus and did not find one. I was very relieved, but I didn't really think it was that anyway. I guess the lupus just flared and I just have to up my steroids and get rest. In the hospital yesterday I was thinking how grateful I am that there are so many people and super technology that can help me. It is a good thing I didn't live 100 years ago or my lifespan would have been much shorter. I hesitate to write things about my health because I think you all may think that is all that happens in my life, but I just wanted to share the good news!

Joel, Dallin, and Brayden got free tickets to the BYU game Saturday. They are excited! I initially wanted to go, but the cold doesn't sound inviting. It just hurts me anyway.

Also, Hunter is getting glasses tomorrow, and he is so excited! I will post pictures soon, if I can figure it out. Mindy got her senior pictures back yesterday. We will have to post them too.