Sunday, November 22, 2009

Walmart stuff

Just letting all you after thanksgiving shopping people know I have been doing a lot of work. We were unloading a truck today and now I think I know why stuff doesn't always work when you get it home. This one blu ray player looked pretty bad. Later I was trying to get some t.vs down and they fell down. Luckly they just landed on my foot and some other boxes.

They also made us watch a 2 hour movie so no one gets killed. If there are problematic people we are supposed to give them a non-threatening stare. That will show them. I also get to guard a line for some bikes so no body cuts in or tries any antics. The good thing about our store is they are not going to close so we won't have any crazy ladies stomping on our greeter guy. I think he would get killed.

P.S. Brian I think I know what you have. It has the latin derived name wussitis.


Mare said...

Nice Post!!! I especially like the nonthreatening stare comment :) Are you working on Black Friday?
ps hope your foot is okay :)

Mom said...

good to see you making a post James.

Brian and Marci said...

James you need to Join SEIU and then you can make $35 an hour. If walmart starts losing too much money the government will pay for it.