Saturday, October 10, 2009

my lexapro has worn off.

For those who have seen renewed activity on the Skinner Report I will give an explanation. My lexapro is completely out of my system and I am no longer a Zombie. My dogmatic knee jerk conservatism is back in full force. In other news Marci and I have been moving our stuff to storage since we have to be out of our house in about 10 days. I have been living under an iron fisted dictatorship. I can not move even a single box without permission from the fuhrer. Marci has not been taking her medicine either so I get the full force of her Iron will. Think of the poor old man in "Keeping up Appearances" and you will get the picture. In other news Marci took Rachel and Morgan to see their fathers brother. He is from Hawaii. I mention this because he gave Marci a gift of Maxi pads. Yes that is right. He actually sells them or something. It's too bad Marci had a hysterectomy right? I am glad mom finally posted a picture of James on his birthday. I've decided to give him a pug puppy. Come and pick it up James before I go crazy from having them poop and then walk in it. I really don't like petting them for this reason. They are so cute though. I bet if James took a walk in the park with one he would attract a few females.

1 comment:

Mare said...

Glad you're feeling so peppy! Good luck on the moving! And I loved the maxi pad story--what a thoughtful gift :)