Saturday, September 19, 2009

Florida State Crushes BYU 54-28 as the Noles Rush for 316 yards

I was going to come up with my own title but I saw this one and couldn't do better. BYU was quick to air the Oklahoma game on BYU classic sports. My guess is this one doesn't make it:) A guy I work with is a big BYU fan he had already been talking about how an undefeated BYU would still get shunned by the BCS somehow. Oh how I look forward to work on Monday. Sorry, couldn't resist the post since I knew there would be a post after they won at OK game.


Brian and Marci said...

Well colorado State is in for it next week. BYU will be mad and they will grind them into the ground. I feel sorry for all present or past Coloradans

Mare said...

It doesn't matter how mad they get. Two years in a row they have had national media exposure and they choked. Now if they played another big 12 team in Colorado that would be one thing but CSU is from the same kind of small conference.