Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am going to Kill Marci!!

OOhh this is the last straw. Marci gave my beloved Bowser away yesterday and now I am sad. He was a great companion and was always happy to give me kisses. Now that is all ruined since Bowser is with another family now. I think fondly about all the memories Bowser and I share and now I am not sure if Marci is going to get a mothers day present. perhaps Bowser and I will meet again someday but for now the pain is too great to bear. I might have to double my medication now.


Brian and Marci said...

Brian is a baby if you all didnt now. BOHO BOHO. Babys pups need a good home. All the missing pow is all the mothers day I need. Marci

Mare said...

Take a deep breathe Brian--this too shall pass.

Mom said...

Just think of the good money you got for Bouser and the nice memories you have. Maybe he would have grown up and been a pain in the neck. Now he will be forever a beloved pet.

Mare said...

you should have gotten rid of the one that poops and pees in your bed