Sunday, May 3, 2009

Guess What Is Different In These Two Photos...

No! it's not the hair (OK yea the hair is different... but it's not that). No! its not the clothes (OK, OK yea the clothes are different... but it's not that). No! No! its not that in one photo Katrina is 15 and in the the other she is now sweet 16 (OK, OK, OK yea she is 15 in the first photo and is now sweet 16 in the other... BUT it' NOT THAT). CONGRATULATIONS KATRINA ON GETTING YOUR BRACES OFF! (and yea turning sweet 16 too -smile!-) We love you Katrina!

1 comment:

Brian and Marci said...

she needs to read that book we gave her. It's a little bit boring in the begginning but if she sticks with it she will probably like it.