Dear family and friends,
These past two weeks have been some of the busiest and the very best. Two weeks ago we had “All Zone”. That is when every missionary and missionary couple come together for two days of instruction…and fun. The fun part is seeing all the missionaries that have gone to different areas and catch up on how they are doing. Many of the Elders that we have become close to will be going home the first of October. We have watched them grow from boy to man. Some, however, were great men to begin with. We consider ourselves so blessed to know these young men. All Zone is a huge shot in the arm. We work hard to learn new programs and to be instructed by our mission president. We are all trying to step up a little more and our focus is on spirituality. Living so we can be guided by the spirit and prepare to have miracles in our areas. This part of Africa is the fastest growing area in the church. South America is no. 2. To have this happen, the Elders have to work hard and truly put their “all” on the altar. They put me to shame. I am so impressed with their commitment and their desire to do whatever is asked. They love our mission president and trust him – and they have seen the results from being obedient. Obedience is a very important part of all of our lives. It is something we strive to do till the day we die. We teach people all the time that obedience brings blessings – pure and simple.
Last week we also took a young girl to the mission home to be set apart to go on a mission to Uganda. She was excited to go, but was hoping to go to England. She has written from the MTC in Johannesburg and is excited now to go to Uganda Her name is Nonkululeko. She is in the Eskhawini Branch. We took her to “All Zone” so she was able to participate with all the elders in the mission training. She absolutely loved it. She was the only girl with over 100 Elders. They all enjoyed her being there also. Dad and I had the opportunity during zone conference of being in testimony meeting with the elders who were going home. It was a great spiritual evening. The mission president has dinner with the out going elders and then they have a testimony meeting – just the mission president, the Sessions (office couple) and us. There were four elders headed home and we have worked with three of them closely. It was wonderful to hear their testimonies and how they have grown through mission.
Today we had our youth standards day at Richard’s Bay Chapel. We had about 75 youth attend from five branches. It was a great experience. We had talks and activities in the morning – mostly dealing with chastity. In Africa 75 per cent of all young males are sexually active. One third of all the people in our area have AIDS. Thirty five to forty per cent of all males have raped a girl. Chastity is a big deal. Our youth are learning to stand strong and to live by the standards that will not only save their lives, but more important, their spiritual lives. Then we had a great lunch – well, the kind of lunch they like (rice and chicken curry). Then we all prepared for the skits in the afternoon. The skits that each branch prepared and performed were amazing. Each branch was very different -- some had amazing scenery –some wonderful singing…others were great costumes….and some were just funny. Each took a different story from the Book of Mormon to put over a standard from the Strength of Youth pamphlet. We laughed and laughed. It was great. I am so glad that I have it on video. Pres. Mann wants me to bring it to couple’s conference in a couple of weeks to show the whole mission. I may get sent home early… Our two branches did most of the work all on their own. I was so proud of them. My Ngwelezane branch won the “most entertaining” and my Nseleni branch won the “best over all.” At home this would mean nothing… but this was huge for these young people. They practiced and practiced. About ¼ of the youth that attended were non-members. It is great to see them act out the Book of Mormon. I’m certain they have no idea about what is in the book. But they enjoy coming to Youth. We do not teach them until they are older – unless their parents are being taught.
Oh how we love these young people. Today was a lot of work – but so worth it!!
Dad and I are worried about how fast time it’s going by. There is so much left to do and we pray that we can accomplish all the Lord want us to before we go home. There is still no sign of a couple to replace us. We worry about that. These branches will not survive on their own. Dad even asked if I wanted to stay another two years. But I told him I needed to go home for a year first. I hope someone will come – there is so much need. It would be the best part of their life. Dad and I came because we wanted blessings for our family. The past two years have been the most difficult for our family. But through it all, the Lord has been mindful and blessed each of our children in so many ways. Maybe, through the struggles we have learned lessons that will be for our eternal benefit.
We have enjoyed teaching, helping, working, laughing, crying and loving these people. They are in so many ways better than us. I think when it is all said and done there will be many, many blacks in line ahead of me at the judgment day. They have incredible faith and a deep spirituality. They are proud to be called “Christian.” They love the Savior and as they are taught more about the gospel, they are like a sponge that just wants to soak it all in. Well, we are going on with training, youth, PEF, seminary, teaching English and visiting the members and working through problems until we go home. Then what????
I hope all of you had a great 24th of July. I thought about all of you having a good time at Rick and Amie’s. I am so grateful that you get together and have fun. I did watch the Tabernacle Choir presentation for the 24th of July. I loved it. It brought back memories of working at the conference center. Well, it is late and I have to get a lesson for church in the morning. We start at 7:30 a.m. in Ngwelezane and then hurry and go to Nseleni by 12:00 p.m and finish around 3:30 in the afternoon. Get dinner for 12 elders by 7:00 p.m. and then crash in bed. Start over the next day… love this work!!!
Love each of you and appreciate all your e-mails, calls, letters, pictures, and packages. No couple that has served a mission has been more supported than Dad and I. We have the very best family and friends.
Love to you all,
Karen, Sis B.
Inspirational Thought
12 years ago
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