Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Disturbing exchange with a librarian

Just today I had a slightly disturbing exchange at the library. I was there to get Rachel some books to read. Recently I have listened to the audiobook "Alcatraz VS the evil librarians" There is some dispute over whether this is a work of fiction or if it is an actual true history written by Alcatraz Smedley himself. The book makes several pointed accusations against all librarians. I happened to mention the book to our local librarian telling them they ought to get it and you should have seen the look on their faces. It caused an immediate tension from all three of them. I am starting to believe Alcatraz is right. If you want to know more about the dastardly deed of Librarians wordwide read this book. It is an eye opening experience.

1 comment:

Mare said...

I did a search and our library doesn't have it either. Hhmmm. . .am I brave enough to suggest they get it? I don't want a bunch of late fees tacked on to my account!